Locksmith hours near me Jupiter
Locksmith hours near me Jupiter. A Lenny Locksmith just opened a new store in West Palm Beach. Its in the heart of West Palm Beach. There are a lot of great things happening there. We are actually having free classes on home security for your home. The store will be 24 hours also.
The store is on 2215 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach Fl 33409. Not even a half mile from Okeechobee Blvd. Its in a hot location. Such easy access and great parking. There is no problem finding a space and it makes going to a Locksmith a easy transition. When a customer comes to the store and needs something done by one of our locksmiths its no problem. We will cut prices when you actually come to the store because there is no service call. Customers love saving money.
A Lenny Locksmith West Palm Beach will have classes for consumers on how to have there home as safe as possible. Yes it is free and a great learning experience. It will be taught by our experienced locksmiths. Feel free to call for scheduling. We are excited and plus we are having other type classes from business safety to car safety.
The store being open 24 hours is a great convenience. After hours you might have to call to make appointment but there should always be a tech on site. If not they can be there within 20 minutes anyway. Just so many positives from this location that has our staff very excited to help provide a great service to our community. We have been working the West Palm Beach area for almost a decade and proud of it.
A Lenny Locksmith always reminds you every blog. If you have any questions feel free to call anytime. Our experienced Locksmith are there for you.
Locksmith hours near me Jupiter