Pros and cons of master keying Jupiter
Pros and cons of master keying Jupiter. Lets start off with what is master keying? Master keying is a key plan where selected keys can open a number of selected locks. These systems can have different levels of access as well. The grand master key will open all of the doors, the master key will open most of the doors, the sub master key will only open a few of the doors, and the key will only open one door. Master keying can increase control and convenience which is especially important if you manage a large number of locks, for example at an apartment complex, multiple stores, or even multiple rental properties. However, just like with anything there pros and cons to having such a system.
The Pros to having a master key system is they give you convenient 1 key access to all of your locks. For instance, Instead of having to carry a key for each and every apartment in a complex, store that you own or manage, or rental property that you have, 1 key will give you access to all. It also allows you to give your employees or tenants access to what you want them to. So while your key will open everything you can give them a key that will only access their apartment, store or office, or the specific rental they manage. Another pro is while these systems are very convenient they are also affordable. If you are having a locksmith come out to rekey your locks they can add a master key while they are there for an extra small fee. They are great to have in the event of an extreme event as well such as a fire or plumbing leak. They will allow you to open all locks quickly instead of fiddling with tons of keys on a ring.
There are some cons to having a master key system, one of them being you have to be careful of who has access to the master keys. Having the master key end up in the hands of someone that has ill intentions will give them access to every lock within the system. Another con would be if a master key is lost or stolen all locks within the system would need to be rekeyed. You would not be able to just rekey one lock as the rest of the locks within the system would still be able to be accessed.
If you think a master key system may be right for you contact A Lenny Locksmith. We are more than happy to send out a technician to go over any questions you may have about master keying. We are here for you to help in anyway we can.
Pros and cons of master keying Jupiter