Schlage Lock and Kwikset Lock differences
Schlage Lock and Kwikset Lock differences to know. People usually buy these to brands probably the most more than any other lock company’s. We will go over price, features of the locks and keys pads. After reading this blog you will have a great idea which lock you would like to buy.
Usually Schlage is a little more pricey than Kwikset. After all my years experience I must agree its a little more stronger than Kwikset. It sounds crazy but its also a little harder to pick which I must say is true. Now the price is what gets people buying Kwikset. You can find both these locks in all hardware, Home Depot or kind chain store that sells hardware. Also all locksmith shops.
There is one feature that Kwikset has which I think is excellent and that is the rekey feature. The have locks you can easily rekey yourself in about 10 seconds and is so easy. So if you ever want to change your key to your locks you can without calling a Locksmith, If you are wondering how to do it all you have to do is Youtube it and watch the video its so easy. you will also need a key that you want to change it to. I also want to bring up a easy way to tell the difference between Schlage and Kwikset keys. Kwikset always has a circle type end of the key. Schlage has a triangle style top of a key. Remember a Schlage key won’t fit in a Kwikset lock keyway and vise versa.
Keypad’s Kwikset is a lot easier to set up and cheaper. They also have a feature which makes it un-pickable. Don’t get me wrong schlage has strong and really nice ones but pricey. its really all about preference. If you have anymore questions feel free to call A Lenny Locksmith and we would be happy to answer any questions.
Schlage Lock and Kwikset Lock differences