Total Hurricane Preparation Locksmith Jupiter
Total Hurricane Preparation Locksmith Jupiter. With hurricane Dorian approaching everyone is rushing to prepare. Being prepared before a storm is on the way is always a good idea, however, if you are a last minute preparer like many are there are a few great essential do’s and don’ts to assure you and your family are safe and ready for the storm.
The first and most obvious is making sure you have plenty of water and food. A good amount would be to have enough non perishable food for each person to last at least 3-7 days. Stocking up on water is essential you should store enough water for each person to have at least a gallon of water a day to drink to last for 3-7 days as well. You even want to have a little extra for things such cooking, brushing teeth, and cleaning up. Don’t your pets you should have the same amount of food and water for each pet as well. Filling up your bathtub and any containers you have with tap water is a great idea to have water for things such as flushing toilets in case of a water outage. You also want to make sure that you have charcoal for cooking, candles or flashlights for light, and a radio to hear any updates on the storm. These things will come in handy in case of a power outage. Make sure to have plenty of extra batteries and have cell phones and electronics fully charged as well. Fill your vehicles with gas to ensure you have a full tank to get to and from work or other places you need to go in the event of a fuel shortage. If you have a generator you want to fill your gas cans as well.
The next most important thing is making sure your home is secure. If you have hurricane shutters make sure you get them out and organized and up in enough time that you aren’t trying to put them up in the wind and rain. If you have accordion shutters and have lost the key a locksmith can send a technician out to pick them open for you so you are able to shut them. If you don’t have shutters covering all openings of your home with plywood is a good way to secure your home from possible projectiles. This leads us to our next tip, secure all outdoor furniture and clear debris. You want to make sure there isn’t anything laying around that could become a potential projectile causing property damage or harm to someone. Now is not the time to trim trees or put a lot of trash out to the road. They may not be picked up in time and could cause a disaster if left out in the storm. If you have tall trees it is a good idea to move your vehicles to make sure they are clear of them in the event they fall.
It is very important that these things are done as soon as possible. Be sure to be kind and courteous to others. Preparing for the storm is a stressful time and everyone wants things to go as smooth as possible. Once the storm arrives make sure to stay indoors until it passes. A Lenny Locksmith wants everyone to stay safe!
Total Hurricane Preparation Locksmith Jupiter